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Chronic Pain – Treat the brain to treat the pain

Chronic pain, in all probability, has nothing to do with the original area injured. It has more to do with the sensitization and amplification of pain signalling in the brain, keeping pain signals firing and your pain persisting. Inflammatory processes drive this pain within the brain and are fuelled by inflammatory drivers from the body and the gut microbiome. Dietary modification that includes a high intake of pain modulating polyphenols (plant chemicals), Omega-3’s, Specialised Proresolving Mediators (SPMs derived from Omega-3s) and diversity of dietary fibre is the way to resolve this abnormal pain loop over time. Using powerful drugs may lead to dangerous side-effects and addictions like Opioid addictions that have resulted in countless deaths.

Neuroinflammation, Neurodegeneration & Dementia

The magic bullets that target Beta-Amyloid (a protein outside nerve cells) or Tau (a protein inside nerve cells) has failed. Other presumed magic bullets are underway. These too will fail if they do not take into consideration the impacts of a bad diet! We know that diets like the Mediterranean Diet (MeDi) or the MIND and DASH diets can all have significant positive impacts on Alzheimer’s Disease to either slow or reverse this process of dementia. The MIND diet has shown a reversal in impaired cognition by 7.5 years, in other words the brain has become 7.5 years younger in cognitive function. However, a good diet needs to start early in life, not when the brain’s immune cells (the Microglial cells) have become highly activated and destructive destroying precious memories. Don’t let Big-Pharma or Big-Food lead the way as their focus is on their bottom line. Your focus needs to be on long term health, and the sooner you change your diet and start a diet-supplementation-exercise program to target the underlying inflammation, the better off you will be long-term with brain health. The Gut Microbiome (Microbiota-Gut-Brain-Axis) is now shaping up to be a vital contributor to Beta-Amyloid formation and neuroinflammation. The Activ8Health focus targets brain inflammation directly and inflammation coming from the gut microbiome.

Reversing Diabetes Low Carb Diets

That insulin resistance or Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus can be reversed is beyond doubt. Within a few days after Bariatric surgery for obesity, blood metabolic hallmarks of diabetes start to reverse dramatically and this occurs well before weight loss manifests itself. This is not some surgical magic but simply a marked reduction in caloric intake allowing the body to heal and reverse the abnormal biochemical loops that occur due to the over-consumption of horrendous Western diet foods. To think we can stop this epidemic rate of obesity and diabetes by simplistic pharmaceutical interventions is wishful thinking in the extreme. This can be achieved by low carbohydrate diets (LCDs) rather than drastic surgery or drastic dietiting. LCDs can taste wonderful and be highly satisfying. Along with targeted supplementation and targeted exercise, the dangerous metabolic changes of diabetes can be avoided.

Weight Loss – The Big-Picture Approach

Weight loss management is often done in a piecemeal fashion where the fundamentals of nutrition are ignored for a purely pharmaceutical approach. The Activ8Health strategy is not to ignore the benefits of pharmaceuticals but to embrace the critical importance of a range of other nutrition approaches aimed at immediate weight loss success and maintaining an optimal weight throughout life.