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Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and Prostate Cancer: What you are never told


Dr. Rodney Lopez

MBBS (Usyd) GradCertNutriMed (RMIT)

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To a considerable extent, doctors do not know that Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is actually a serine protease, i.e. an enzyme that liquefies and loosens the prostate matrix. The vast majority of doctors and specialists see PSA as simply a marker for prostate disease. By loosening the prostate matrix, abnormal cells that are normally trapped within this binding matrix, allows them to migrate locally or far (distant metastatic spread) 59.

So PSA is NOT just a marker but an actual player in the pathological process of prostate cancer.

PSA takes on a greater significance if you consider the importance of the following autopsy study in the 1980s regarding prostate cancer. In this particular study, 180 prostates were consecutively assessed microscopically after autopsy. A staggering 85% of these men had atypical (abnormal) cells in their prostates, and 25% had prostate cancer unknown to them at the time of death. These men were from ages 40 years and up who died from various causes.

The moral of this story is:

1) Don’t ignore PSA through this ‘Watchful Waiting’ process when we know what PSA does and

2) Don’t ‘poke the bear’ by consuming a Western diet that is riddled with cancer-promoting factors and

3) With the limited time human beings have, if a safe and scientifically validated option exists to decrease PSA action, then why wait for a disaster to manifest?

Watchful-Waiting seems absurd in this circumstance when polyphenol-rich foods have been shown to decrease PSA significantly. These are purely and simply dietary compounds consumed in human diets for thousands of years. To worry about dietary compounds used in a therapeutic sense and not worry about toxic pharmaceuticals is illogical. This it not to say that pharmaceuticals don’t have their place, but this is often the case when the disease is very advanced.

It is not the domain of medicine to prevent a disaster but take on a heroic stance once the situation is dire.

This is not about pharmaceuticals versus nutrient interventions as this is also a strange concept when such interventions as the Pomi-T study are double-blind, placebo-controlled trials and if this is the gold standard for medical care it becomes conceited if this only applies to drugs. Waiting for every skerrick of information to come along before being accepted by doubting practitioners not only puts patients at risk but also puts these same practitioners at risk for developing their own prostate cancers if they don’t look at disease from a bigger picture perspective than just after-the-fact interventions.

The other problem is that you have only one life to lead, and you are also getting older. So it is well enough for doctors to state, “let’s wait and see”. It is no skin off their noses, but your life is at stake. These polyphenol-rich formulations come from plant compounds and are shaping up to be critical for treating inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)269 and a multitude of other chronic diseases experienced by people who have enjoyed the dreadful Western diet riddled with disease forming issues. So this formulation has use in the vast number of illnesses driven by inflammation and it is inflammation that drives cancer spread – A Malignant Flame 130

Limiting treatment options when they are incredibly safe makes no sense.

The significant increase of all cancers with age should be a sobering thought for everyone. See graph opposite

The POMI-T double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in the UK showing great promise
Discuss these Polyphenol-Rich POMI-T compounds but so many other polyphenol's and minerals with a wealth of research behind then for prostate health. Talk with an Activ8Health Practitioner. Use the 'Contact us' button on this page. 

  • The POMI-T study used a formulation that was rich in plant polyphenols. A multitude of studies have shown diets deficient in plant polyphenols have a higher risk of many cancers.

This paper stated that:"Diets deficient in polyphenols and other natural plant-based phytochemicals found in herbs, spices, fruit, teas, colourful vegetables and other healthy plant-based foods, have been linked with higher risks of cancer particularly breast,pancreas, ovary, skin, prostate, bowel and oesophagus 60." 

  • Other powerful natural anti-inflammatory compounds exist such as - Curcumin C3, Resveratrol, Quercetin
  • SDG (Flaxseed Lignans) + HMR Lignans (7-HMR, Norway Spruce) help dampen the effect of strong oestrogens at receptor sites for prostate and breast health.
  • Calcium-D-Glucarate has been shown to inhibit gut microbiome beta-glucuronidase an enzyme product by the bowel organism  that splits estrogen bound for excretion 'handcuffed' to an inert compound causing the re-absorption of excreted and freed oestrogens in the gut 64. It is known that this mechanisms can increase the risk of many cancers. Estrogen is also a player in prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. As this paper states: "Recent epidemiologic and experimental data have clearly pinpointed the key roles of estrogens in PCa development and progression270."  PCa = Prostate Cancer
  • Boron has been shown to markedly decrease PSA in many studies and decrease the risk of prostate and breast cancer 61, 62. This mineral is often overlooked in formulations that may help so many men.
  • The 5-LOX pathway can and should be targeted as this is a critical pathway in many cancers. 5-LOX is an enzyme that is associated with inflammation and many cancers including an increased risk for Prostate and Breast Cancer 63.