Slow Kill 
This book has been written for individuals who want to go beyond the fads and into the science of nutrition and to grasp the concepts that should be driving dietary choices. Too often foods are discussed in a very narrow context and as a result, the big-picture is not apparent. Many seemingly short-term benefits may result in long-term ill health unless the reader knows the reasoning and science behind the food choices.
This book explains the molecular mechanisms involved and provides an insight into why so many chronic diseases are rife in society ranging from Alzheimer's Disease to Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Strokes, Diabetes, Overweight & Obesity.
If you want to make a difference in your health, you start with knowledge and this book is all about valuable knowledge expressed in an easy to understand language and backed up by dedicated graphics created especially for this book.
With over 30 years of experience in medicine and 15 years studying nutritional science, Dr Rodney Lopez is well placed to provide truly remarkable insights into the dietary mechanisms that are driving so many diseases in our world that have the potential to be avoided.