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The Activ8Health Dietary Foundation

The Activ8health team putting the pieces of the dietary puzzle together

Dietary Analysis 

This is a relatively inexpensive process that can be done remotely. You will need one of the Activ8Health Dietitians to help set this up. 

Why is this important? Because it is an objective way to analyse what it is you are consuming and then to take remedial action. 


Dietary Plan as a critical foundation 

Diet recommendations need to take into consideration many factors. With Alzheimer's risk we need to help the body shift from carbohydrates to assisting the body to use ketones more effectively and to maximise Omega-3 intake to protect the brain, neurons and myelin sheaths. 

Intermittent fasting can be a wonderful way for your body to repair itself but there can be a fine line between intermittent fasting and malnutrition.

Intraday fasting may be easier and safer and our expert Dietitians can guide you to ensure nutrient, energy and protein adequacy. This type of fasting can help the body and brain move towards the use of ketones as an energy source

Precision Nutrition 

Precision nutrition is all about looking for flaws and targeting these. The Big-5 in terms off precision nutrition data gathering areas are: 


1 Dietary Analysis Looking for weaknesses in the diet 
2 The Gut Microbiome Looking for weakness in your gut flora 
3 The Holman Omega Test Looking for inflammation potential in your body 
4 Genetic Analysis Looking for genetic flaws that can be targeted
5 Laboratory Testing Blood work, Urine, Stools can all add to the data

If cost is an issue then the relatively inexpensive Dietary Analysis and Diet Guide may be the way to go. However, personalising requires data from various sources to pinpoint issues in an individual

To find out more: Click here and view 'Precision Nutrition' home page box

The Activ8Health

12+1 Dietary Guidance Approach